Excellent: sustainability at DEK

Everyone is talking about sustainability. But lip service is no longer enough. It is time for words to be followed by deeds. All too often, companies are quick to adorn themselves with green laurels, but carry on with ‘business as usual’ in their day-to-day dealings.

DEK has had its sustainability activities evaluated objectively by external providers since 2021. The central objectives are measurability, transparency and credibility with customers and service providers. But also your own progress and the continuous identification of improvement potentials is a significant driver.

ECOVADIS is one of the leading providers of sustainability monitoring in global supply chains. Their work focuses on scientific data in accordance with international sustainability standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Impact, ISO 26000).

Also in 2023 the activities of the DEK were certified and awarded a silver medal.

CAFEA 1896